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Our Stance On Account Minimums

Our Stance On Account Minimums

We welcome your referrals.That means: No account minimums for your referrals.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying I accept all referrals. Because I may not be able to help. As an example, your friend might want to trade penny stocks and that's not what I do.

One of the reasons I changed Bowers Advisory Group, LLC to a registered investment advisor is so I could control who I wanted as clients and when. I enjoy working with different types of people because it gives me the opportunity to interact with people from different geographic areas and different backgrounds.

Plus could you really keep in mind "account minimums" for the other professionals you refer? Your doctor only wants this type of patient. Your vet only sees certain types of dogs. Your mechanic only fixes cars with large repair bills.

No, you would send them somewhere else. Or not at all.

Let me put it to you this way. Some of my best clients are referred by my best clients. And best clients are not always the biggest. We welcome all your referrals.

Jeff Bowers, CFP