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Happy Easter

Happy Easter

For some time now, I’ve been sending you messages that I hope are both interesting and entertaining. To me some of the most interesting topics are those that touch my heart. As you well know, I can be sentimental at times, and this season is one that makes me want to be sentimental!

This season is amazing! We see leaves on the trees, baby animals, flowers in full splendor, the grass turning green, and too many other wonderful things to mention. Regardless of your particular beliefs, there’s one thing we can all agree on: the Easter season brings hope and joy to us all!

As you ponder what this season means to you, remember that hope and peace are available to all of us—we just need to know where to look. I suggest simply looking outside your window. I know it works for me!

Have a wonderful month, and let the spirit of the season stay with you the year ‘round!