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Disaster Planning

We’ve seen the pictures, we’ve heard the stories. Hurricane Harvey pounded Houston over the weekend, with many other parts of Texas and Louisiana hit hard as well.

Our hearts go out to all those suffering under this terrible storm. While the damage it has caused is probably incalculable, hopefully it will pass soon with minimal injuries and loss of life. I hope, too, that you don’t have any friends or relatives in harm’s way. If you do, both you and they will be in my thoughts and prayers.

While it’s always heartbreaking to see the events like these, it doesn’t have to be the only emotion we feel. Because amidst all wind, rain, and devastation, there’s something else going on: heroism. Take a few minutes to look at all the photos making the rounds on the internet. Photos of the National Guard rescuing people out of the water. Photos of our military, keeping order and directing people to safety. Photos of doctors and nurses and Red Cross volunteers, providing food, shelter, and comfort for those driven out of their homes. Photos of neighbors helping neighbors, of strangers helping strangers.

Whenever a natural disaster strikes, we see the worst of what our planet can do to us. But we also see the best of what we do for each other.

It’s an inspiring sight, seeing people help each other out. But as I watched the news reports and studied the photos, something occurred to me:

All the organizations, agencies, and individuals helping were prepared.

Most of us don’t spend much time thinking about natural disasters. That’s why they often catch us off-guard. But the Army, the National Guard, the Red Cross, local hospitals and blood banks ... they are almost always prepared. If they weren’t, most disasters would end up being much, much worse.

I think there’s a lesson to be learned here—that it’s time to review our own disaster preparedness. It’s time to create a plan.

We have already reviewed our own disaster plan here at Bowers Advisory Group, LLC. We have procedures in place to ensure we can reopen as soon as possible in the event of a catastrophe. We’ve also taken steps to safeguard all vital data, including data connected to your own finances. That way, we can continue helping you work toward your goals without having to start over.

Let’s add planning ahead to that list.

Finally, I strongly recommend visiting www.ready.gov, an excellent website that provides info on how to prepare for all sorts of disasters. It’s been an immense help for our own disaster plan, and I know it will be a big help for yours.

As the events in Texas unfold, we’re all doing many of the same things: holding our loved ones close, hoping for the safety of our fellow Americans, marveling at the courage of our nation’s first responders ... maybe even thinking of ways we can help.

On behalf of everyone here at Bowers Advisory Group LLC, thank you for being such a wonderful client or friend.

Please let us know if there’s anything we can do to help your own disaster preparedness!